Where were their “messy buns,” “cute torn jeans,” their “Tory Burch jewelry”? She mocked their broken stoicism. She judged the parents as “too old to have kids that age.” She found their clothes dowdy, their hairstyles dated. “Too many of those parents just rub me the wrong way.” I just had a strong sense that this didn’t happen,” she said. When we spoke, I asked her whether she doubted Sandy Hook because first grade children being murdered in their classrooms was too hard for her to face. They smile and hug, peek through doorways-a fantastical, eerie ideal for how children should look and live. Their hair is often flowing, framing enormous eyes with irises in unusual colors. They wear fur-trimmed hoods, chic berets, oversize bows, earrings. Watt has a Pinterest board called “Beautiful Children.” She had posted more than 100 photos there of babies, toddlers, and prepubescent girls, many of them twins.
I would have been a really good first grade teacher.” “My whole life has been about kids,” she said.